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evaGuide mobile application

TELESTO has developed "evaGuide" - A mobile app for the Evacuation of Large Facilities. EvaGuide is a novel mobile application that uses state-of-the-art technologies (hybrid WiFi & BLE-beacons based location, mobile on board sensing) to offer location-based, custom, real time services and notifications about important safety incidents to visitors, passengers, spectators etc located at public places, especially in case of emergency.  


The proposed innovation is unique in its kind, providing real time information about the current situation that will help and assist the rescue teams, to minimize the occurrence of casualties in all kinds of large facilities such as stadiums, shopping malls, large hospitals, underground stations etc

An presentation video of the evaGuide app is depicted below.


eVACUATE EU project trials

evaGuide mobile app was first developed under the EU FP7 co-funded project eVACUATE (GA #: 313161) and soon extended its scope and use.

The videos below, present the use of the evaGuide app under the eVACUATE project trials at Anoeta Stadium (Spain), at Athens International Airport (Greece) and at Metro Bilbao (Spain).


Between 3:50 & 4:23 is explained the use of evaGuide application for passengers & first responders


Between 3:33 & 5:02 is explained the use of evaGuide application for passengers


eVACUATE EU project trials at Metro Bilbao 2017
Αναπαραγωγή βίντεο

Use of evaGuide app during eVacuate project trials at Metro Bilbao


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