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"AEI" R&D Project

“Sustainable Development of Less Developed Regions and Isolated Areas by Creating New Touristic Resources and Products through Analysis, Documentation and Modelling of Cultural Assets using Innovative ICT Applications - AEI", General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) funded project (T2EDK-01278) -
The main objective of the project is the sustainable development of the least developed representative areas, in the vicinity of country’s gateways or tourist resorts, so as to orient the existing tourist arrivals towards attractions, touristic resources and products that will be produced from the advancement of the cultural and environmental assets and its development and exploitation through ICT applications.
The exploitation of ICT applications could generally contribute to the development of touristic resources and products from regions with cultural and environmental assets through analyzing, documenting, modeling and managing those assets, so as to deliver added value to the local touristic development.
Telesto developed a web & mobile application that promotes the nine representative areas and attracts tourism and economic growth to the areas, by presenting the local history, monuments, cultural tours & natural attractions such as beaches, routes, caves, lakes etc. More details can be found in the link:
Additionaly, Telesto developed a web application that presents in detail the actual projects that are currently under development or finished or pending in the least developed areas, along with the financial schemes & tools that can be used by public or private organizations, in order receive funding and boost the economic development. More details can be found in the link:
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